Step 3- Reinforce

Reinforce the gospel in Bible reading, prayer, scripture memory and conversations.

As we grow in our joy in Christ (Step One) and how that joy fuels change in how we live for him (Step Two), new possibilities dawn for our walk. How do we keep the growth going?

In Step Three, we provide four practical patterns that help reinforce growth. These are things you are probably already doing. Our goal is to change your perspective a bit on these practices that are often rote and void of joy. Use what we provide as guides, not legalistic laws.

There are four patterns in home life where we can reinforce the joy of the gospel in ways that will lead to real change.

The first pattern is reading the word as a family. The second pattern is conversations. The third pattern is prayer. And the fourth pattern is scripture memory.

Grabbing hold of these four common practices and using them as opportunities to reinforce the gospel will establish joy in your home that will breathe new life into your relationships. AND when the bad days happen, when failure occurs, you will have strength to get back up and press on. You are new creations, therefore walk faithfully!

Encouragement to Reinforce the Joy in Your Home

Free- 4 Patterns for Gospel Living in the Home

Videos and coresponding  PDF downloads. 

Prayer Cards

A useful tool our family has been implementing for years!

Identity Cards

Print a set of identity cards for your family!

Coming Soon!

Real Hope For Your Home

Real hope for your home

Family life has a way of bringing us to our knees. Whether in marriage or parenting, reality falls short of our expectations. Relationship challenges can leave us feeling hopeless. Good news! The gospel of Jesus Christ provides us with resilient hope, unwavering confidence, and joyful purpose that helps us meet those challenges. Real Hope for Your Home is a simple, straightforward, no fluff, practical guide.  It shows how an under-emphasized or forgotten part of the gospel, provides a refreshing reset and new path forward for our homes. Study and discussion questions are provided after each chapter.