Building Your Band Of Brothers

Men’s Retreat

Men's retreat
band of brothers

Three Powerful Sessions

  • Significance or Faithfulness?
  • The Threat to Faithfulness (and It’s Remedy)
  • Six Practices for Building Your Band of Brothers

Who is Eric Wallace?

Eric and his wife, Leslee, have been married 28 years and have eight children. He is president of Home In Him, a ministry whose vision is to see families rediscover the joy of the gospel and live as new creations in Christ. Eric loves authentic sushi and a Vietnamese soup called, Pho.

Eric’s teaching is well researched, founded on the inerrant Word,
and affirmed by his personal example of godly marriage and fathering.

Mike Young

President, Noble Warriors

Eric has a passion for making Jesus and the gospel real in the hearts of Christian men…
His ministry continues to make a difference in the quality of our men’s ministry.

Rev. Sean Sawyers

The simplicity of the message was refreshing.

Steve J.

I can’t wait to go apply what I’ve learned to change my perspective on my struggles and challenges in all areas of life.

Everett Devries

Husband and Father

You will laugh, be encouraged, challenged and glad you went!

David M.

…spoke into so many neglected corners of my life…truly life changing for me.

Rob A.

If you would like Eric to come speak to your group, contact us here!

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