Step 4- Relate
Relate the gospel in our churches and neighborhoods through hospitality.
When you think about it, steps one, two, and three form a cycle that nurtures itself and grows. Joy leads to obedience that when reinforced leads to greater joy, and greater obedience.
In this fourth step, we answer an important question…. SO WHAT? Why is all this important?
Is all of this about having perfect little Christian homes? While health is important in our homes, the truth is that God has a bigger purpose for our homes. God wants to use our families in ministry.
As we look out into our local church and community, we pray that our homes are not cul-de-sacs but instead conduits or rivers of His grace and mercy.
We are all so busy! How do we do this? How can we practically use our struggles that find resolution in Christ, to be a blessing to others? This is what we’re going to cover in this step four.
Thank you for staying with us through these four steps. We hope that they have blessed and encouraged you.
Practical Help in Relating the Joy of the Gospel with Others
Free- Home and Church Relationship
Videos and coresponding PDF downloads.
Hospitality Encouragement
Ministering to Neighbors
Practical thoughts in a three part series of articles.

Gospel Life Together
Rediscovering the joy of the gospel through our identity in Christ, Restoring the gospel’s indicative-imperative principle to how we live, and
Reinforcing gospel application through four simple patterns will, through the power of the Holy Spirit, strengthen our homes as places where disciples are made for Jesus Christ.
But there is a larger, more important context to rediscovering, restoring, and reinforcing: relating the gospel in our churches and communities.
The home and church need each other. This 44 page PDF download will give you a rich overview of how this looks practically!