“Will you pray for me?” Yikes! How many times have you said, “Yes, of course!” but doubted that you’d ever remember to do it?

Simple Way for Your Family to Pray for a Lot of People
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“Will you pray for me?” Yikes! How many times have you said, “Yes, of course!” but doubted that you’d ever remember to do it?
Prayer is one very important ways we demonstrate—as a couple—our dependence upon God…for help in specific situations…and for the joy that each of us needs every day.
We need to pray this prayer for at least four reasons.
Recently, Eric and I have found ourselves facing some big decisions. Of course, one of our first lines of attack is to pray about it,
“Asking someone, ‘How Can I Pray for You’ is Bull *&%^ !”
These words were spoken to me with blunt frustration by a man after I had just taught a class…
Following are three reminders and three ideas to help reenergize your prayers for your family this year.