About US

Our Identity in Christ Makes all the Difference!

  • It frees us from the guilt of poor performance.
  • It fills us with a reliable source of joy. 
  • It focuses us as it powerfully changes our lives.
Eric and Leslee Wallace

Eric and Leslee Wallace

Eric and Leslee have been married for 29 years. They have eight children, three of whom are married. They founded Home In Him in 2001. Eric has served on church staff, and as an elder during his 35 years in ministry. The Wallaces are currently members of Sycamore PCA. Like all parents they experience challenges but along the way they have seen the enormous difference identity in Christ makes.

Meet Eric

Meet Leslee

Our Board

Marc Jantomaso

Marc Jantomaso

Board Member

Chris Williams

Chris Williams

Board Member

Matt Newquist

Matt Newquist

Board Member

To see men, women, and children rediscovering the joy of the gospel and living as new creations in Christ—in our homes, churches, and neighborhoods.

We help families rediscover the joy of the gospel through our identity in Christ, restore the gospel’s indicative-imperative principle to how we live, reinforce gospel application through four simple patterns, and relate the gospel in our churches and neighborhoods through hospitality. 

Statement of Faith

We Believe:

  • The Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God.
  • In one personal, sovereign, eternal God revealed in three persons: Father, Son, and Spirit.
  • That Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and that through His death and resurrection He made a way for sinful men to be brought into right relationship with God.
  • In the bodily resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, where He sits at the right hand of God the Father.
  • In the visible bodily return of Jesus Christ to the earth to judge the world.
  • In the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Godhead, and that His ministry and gifts are given to build up His church.
  • In the reality of Satan (the tempter) and Hell for those who never accept God’s gift of spiritual life.
  • That each of us is naturally disobedient to God, spiritually dead to God, deserving eternal punishment and without hope of a life-giving relationship with God except through the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • That salvation (spiritual life) is found through turning from sin to God, a total submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and that it is available totally by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus (a free gift to us) and not by our works.
  • *That church membership is a mutual commitment between the church leadership and the member in which the leadership provides spiritual example, teaching and protection and the member responds with a spirit of cooperation and submission in the Lord.

*NOTE: One might ask, why a nonprofit would include a section in its statement of faith about church membership. We believe that for homes to be spiritually healthy they must be part of a local church. Homes supporting the health and work of the local church is a major driver of our ministry.

This Statement of Faith is used by permission of the Harvester Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).