Step 2- Restore
Restore who we are in Christ to how we live for him.
We are now going to build on step one by looking at a life-changing principle!
This principle is found throughout the Bible but tragically, too often is missed. In fact, it is actually so foundational to our ministry that we included it in our logo. Here it is! Are you ready?
The principle is called, “The Indicative and Imperative.” Are you still there? Hang with us, please!
The Indicative/Imperative principle sounds complicated, but it is really quite simple. The “indicative” i-n-d-i-c-a-t-e-s who God is and what he has done for us.
The i-m-p-e-r-a-t-i-v-e tells us how God wants us to live. Now let’s put the two together.
Because I am in Christ (the indicative), I can live obediently for Christ (the imperative). Said another way, who I am in Christ (the indicative) is the basis and strength out of which I live obediently (the imperative).
We tend to just try to do right and avoid wrong but often out of sheer willpower. We miss the joyful motivation and power we gain from what God has already done to make obedience that glorifies him possible.
Self-willed obedience tries to make our relationship with God dependent on us and not on him. Our obedience genuinely becomes an attempt either to earn God’s blessings or avoid his displeasure. This robs us of joy and a relationship where we experience God’s love and mercy. It’s devastating.
We believe correcting this misunderstanding will help many Christian homes remain faithful to Jesus Christ.
Three Ways to Help you Get to the Heart of the Matter
FREE- Getting Started with In-Im Principle
This jam-packed FREE resource will give you a solid understanding of this principle in simple terms. Sign-up for updates and you will receive access to this PDF document.
FREE- Heart Journaling
This PDF tool will assist you in getting to the heart of the problem, whether you are in conflict with someone else, or trying to work through an internal problem!
Idolatry and the Gospel
How is the gospel the remedy for idolatry? These brief videos with corresponding PDF downloads should help deepen your understanding!