Following are a few guidelines, some of which we have found helpful. Some reflect what others have suggested to us. Lord willing, they may prime your own pump for what you and your family can do if this is a challenge for you as it is has been for us.
No electronic devices until school work is done
We have found technology to be a great motivator for getting school work done. In the summer months the kids could earn time by doing chores around the house. We got some projects completed and it cured some boredom!

No electronic devices from 6pm-8pm
This makes room genuine conversation around dinner time.
Turn off or put devices away for certain conversations
We should be off of our phones for all conversations. Some conversations need even more attention. It may be worth actually putting the phones out of sight away. New research finds having a mobile device within easy reach divides your attention, even if you’re not actively looking at.

Leave them home once in a while
I enjoy actually leaving my phone at home when I go out on brief errands. It is a very freeing feeling. Try it!
Work to set some sort of parameters about how you handle texts and calls
Do you answer them immediately? Or do you wait some period of time before reading and then answering them? It is good to let people know your “policy” so that they can adjust their expectations.