Raising Children who rest in Christ

Saturday, October 19, 2024
8:30-11:00 am

Sycamore Presbyterian Church (PCA)
510 Coalfield Rd.
Midlothian, VA 23114

Space is limited. Registration is required for this free event.

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Our identity in Christ makes the difference in parenting!

  • It frees us from the guilt of poor performance.
  • It fills us with a reliable source of joy.
  • It focuses us and our children on what will change our lives.


8:30-9:00 am- Coffee and refreshments

9:00-9:45 am- Session one

10:-10:45 am- Session two with time for Q + A

Parenting is hard work.

It easily exhausts us and can leave us feeling like failures. What can make it something we embrace with increasing energy rather than waning willpower?  What can make it something we find rewarding now and in eternity?

The cynic in you might be muttering, “What are you selling?!” Or, “I’ve had it with all the formulas. They don’t work! GO AWAY and leave me alone!” Honestly, we are right there with you.

Parenting is one of the toughest jobs we will ever do.

We pour ourselves into it, sacrificing other interests. Sometimes, the only result is our children taking unexpected paths, leaving us wondering, “What have I done wrong?” This question exposes the root of our problem: seeking identity in our kids and in our performance as parents.

The solution is finding our identity in Christ as parents.

This should be a foundational part of our parenting strategy. Unfortunately, this is often neglected or missing entirely.

In our time together, Leslee and I will provide a welcome reset. We will lead a simple rediscovery of our identity in Christ and the practical difference it can make in us… and our children.

What we will share could just be the best news you have ever heard on your parenting journey!

Eric and Leslee?

Eric and Leslee have been married for 29 years and have eight children, three of whom are married.

They have served together in ministry for their entire marriage. Eric served on staff at a church in NVA and launched Home in Him ministry in 2001. He was an elder for eight years and the Wallaces are members of Sycamore PCA in Midlothian, VA.

Through the years they have endured parenting failures, but along the way they have seen the difference our identity in Christ makes. It replaces frustration and fear with rest and confidence.


Register for this free event!

Space is limited, for planning purposes, registration is greatly appreciated!