Manners and sanctification


March 9, 2018



How Does the Gospel Motivate your Ministry and Influence your Ministry Design?

These questions were used in preparation for those attending a  church leader’s  encouragement lunch hosted by HIH. The questions are useful in the evaluation of the health of individual church leaders and sessions.

1. In the PCA Book of Church Order ordination vows (21-5) it states the primary title for Teaching Elders is “ministers of the gospel.”

  • How do you understand that title and how does that title inform your overall ministry efforts?
  • If you are a Ruling Elder, how do you allow the gospel to influence how you fulfill your ministry?

2. In the book, Gospel Coach, the author speaks often about performance-driven leadership. The following quote, is one instance:

A performance-centered person functionally rejects the centrality of the gospel and slavishly responds to a craving to please their own flesh. Living by the flesh is how the Bible describes our tendency to follow our sin-desiring self instead of walking in step with the Spirit of God. When a person lives by their flesh, they believe that pleasing their own desires is more justifying — earning them more worth, value, and favor with God– than living in line with the gospel. This person relies on their own way of salvation and ultimately rejects the gospel.

  • As you reflect on that statement, how has “fleshly-driven” leadership reared its head in your life and ministry?
  • How have you sought to deal with it?

3. In Galatians 6:14 (ESV) Paul writes, “Far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

  • What does boasting reveal about our hearts?
  • What does it have to do with the condition of our hearts?
  • As you consider Galatians 6, how does Paul relate the gospel to this matter of boasting and dealing with the flesh?

4. Read Ezekiel 37:1-10 and Ephesians 2:1-10

  • What do you learn about the nature of spiritual, heart transformation from these passages?
  • How does this reality inform how you minister the gospel to others?
  • How should these passages give you hope and joy in your ministry of the gospel?

5. In 2 Corinthians 5:14, Paul states, “For the love of Christ controls us.” He goes on to say in verse 16 that through the gospel he no longer judges people “according to the flesh.”

  • What does it mean to judge people according to the flesh?
  • How has the gospel specifically changed the way you look at people?

6. What is the biggest challenge you are currently facing in your ministry?

  • What ways do you suspect the gospel might help you meet that challenge?

7. As you evaluate your personal life and worship in the light of the gospel, what changes do you want to trust the Holy Spirit to make in your heart and life?

  • How does the gospel and its benefits give you hope, rest and joy as you work through these issues? Meditate on Philippians 2:12-18 as you work through these matters.

8. Does the gospel inform us regarding how to structure ministry? Based on what Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 1:13, “Follow the pattern of sound words that you have heard from me…” that would seem to be the case.

  • How specifically is the gospel seen in the way your ministry is structured?
  • How does your church’s ministry reflect the gospel’s prioritization on relationships as a means for applying the gospel in people’s lives?
  • How is gospel-shapes motivation seen in the programs you offer?

9. Jesus has called us to bear much fruit, and fruit that will remain. Taking a long and hard look at the ministry fruit in your life and ministry, what lasting fruit do you see?

  • Why is some fruit lasting and some of it merely temporary?
  • To what extent is the gospel involved in your answer?
  • What is God saying to you about this?