marriage matters
Love Notes
In this episode, Eric gets caught off guard by the topic! Listen to Leslee fill him in on what love notes mean to her. Enjoy a heartwarming and practically encouraging conversation.
• (18:46 min)

Great Marriage Booklist
Our team has compiled a list of their favorite books on marriage. We have included them here for your encouragement!
Unique and Cheap Dates
Our team has pulled together some of our favorite date night ideas to share with you!

Are You Ordinary?
The purpose of this self-evaluation is simply to get you thinking about where you are in your pursuit of the ordinary disciplines that when faithfully…
Liturgy of the Ordinary
The hotel ballroom was packed. I was one of three plenary speakers at a conference for youth and children’s ministry leaders. In commenting on the alarming…
Life is War
It was one of those conversations where Leslee and I could not seem to understand each other. Though calm, things were not going swimmingly
How the Gospel Frees Us from Regret
Regrets. We all have them. Whether it’s an unsatisfying relationships or career; regrets cling to us like an old sock to underwear…
Enduring Men
As a father of eight, I battle fear for how my children will fare in a an increasingly polarized and anti-Christian society. Will they stand firm…
What Does a Young Man Need to Know to be Ready to Marry?
Early this year, one of my adult sons moved out of state. Since then, he and I have talked almost every Sunday afternoon.
Wanna Get Away?
We need physical and spiritual rest. Slow down to listen to the Lord. Marinate in God’s word. Pray. Decompress. Rest and Recover.
Five Ways to Love your Husband
Our husbands work hard and often times, unfortunately, they get our leftover energy after a long day. Here are a few simple ways that we can love them well.
Four Things that will Bless your Wife
My wife is not indestructible. Is yours? Most men want to minister to their wives but struggle to know how best to do that.
Seven Ways to Pray with Your Wife
Prayer is one very important ways we demonstrate—as a couple—our dependence upon God…for help in specific situations…and for the joy that each of us needs every day.