
Who is encouraging you to lead your family to walk with Jesus?

Who are the people who come to you and mean it when they ask, “How’s it going at home?”

The answer for many parents is often– well, no one.


The encouragement we need is not legalistic or performance-based but grounded in the gospel!

Our Role is Vital

As parents, we are the primary influencers of our children.

Our Responsibility is God-Given

God’s callings are His enablings.

Our Focus is Love

Raising our children to love God and each other is much simpler than we often make it out to be. Love is often lost amid other competing goals. Everything we should teach our children flows from the simple commands to love God and to love each other. (Matthew 22:36-40)

The Gospel Makes the Difference

Gospel Focus

The key to raising our children to love God each other is not rigid rules and formulaic thinking but the gospel. The gospel is not just the message we need to become Christians; the gospel is the way we grow as Christians (Romans 1:15-17).

Gospel Taught

The gospel is taught through how we live in our homes each day: small things, habits and values. These small things include reading the Bible, prayer and conversations.

Faithfulness Works

As we walk faithfully in these simple pursuits, we can rest in the Holy Spirit to bring about growth and build healthy relationships in our homes.

As Parents We Need Much Encouragement and Some Equipping

We have the privilege of helping our children walk with our God; The God Who created them in His image and Who calls them by name.

Encouragement and equipping toward that end is unfortunately, rare for many parents. Yes, the internet provides some help. Churches, too. In terms of training, practical wisdom, flesh and blood support and camaraderie, it is still hard to find.


Introducing: The Gospel Family Life Community

Quarterly Meetings

If you are in Central Virginia, we would love to have you attend. Enjoy fellowship and refreshements, practical equipping and testimonies from likeminded people.

Ongoing Support

Eric and Leslee seek to support parents through simple meetings over coffee. 

Online Connection

We maintain a connection through emails that feature encouragement in the form of verses, quotes, articles, stories, reviews and online learning.

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