The gospel helps church leaders with one of their toughest challenges: that of moving people from the sidelines to the front lines of ministry.
God’s Discipleship Pattern in Scripture
The latest research reveals that 75% of the children raised in evangelical churches are leaving the faith.
Covenantal Nature of Trouble and Suffering
In tears, the mother said to me, “I’ve been praying for my daughter for a long time, asking God to change her heart. Why hasn’t God done something?”
Elders Pray This for Your Sheep!
What do we pray about that really helps those we are praying for? Certainly, we pray that God will bring restoration to hurting relationship, physical healing..
Shepherding Requires Intentionality
It has been my experience as well as my observation that the most difficult counseling cases typically are the result of people who have not been…
The Key to Genuine Reform in the Local Church
Reform in the home will not come merely by focusing on equipping the men to lead or by giving children a Christian education.
Helping People With Their Unbelief
The book of John is pregnant with the theme of belief. It’s palpable and yet it is often lost on the people to whom Jesus is ministering…
Heart Work Is Hard Work
It was an unusually crazy week at my house. Our routine was completely non-existent. Think bumper cars and you get the idea
Have You Considered Saying This to Someone Who is Suffering?
What are you suffering through right now? No doubt there is something you are suffering with yourself or suffering through with someone you care about.
A Surefire Way to Increase Your Joy
When we see the glory of Christ in scripture it lifts our focus out of the cesspool of daily fears, frustrations, and futility and bolsters our joy.